«La primera obligación de todo ser humano es ser feliz, la segunda es hacer feliz a los demás»

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Poem #1

1. Charles Bukowski- "The Laughing Heart"
2. The poem speaks of releasing oneself from the chains of submission and learning to look for the light in the darkness. The purpose of a corporation is to attack a group of susceptible individuals in order for them to utilize only their products, committing you to that specific brand (submission).Corporations do not promote individuality and freedom however this is exactly what this poem gives us a notion of.
3. In a way this poem does not reflect Bukowki's reputation because he is known for writing poetry on violence, alcohol, and sexual abuse, many dark topics. However in this poem he focuses on finding the light in that darkness.
4. I found the author by searching the first stanza of the poem and following this link http://thebestamericanpoetry.typepad.com/the_best_american_poetry/2008/11/the-laughing-he.html
To answer question #3 I googled the author's name and read a small biography on his works and life using this link http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/charles-bukowski 

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