Power corrupts and blinds those who cannot
control it
We must learn to accept and live with our
sorrows, pains, and mistakes
Religion does not necessarily take the shape of
one Being, it can be found in every aspect of nature and life
boundary between death and life can be blurred
*The poisonwood represents all the
damage that was inflicted on the Congo *
Book One- Genesis
Opens with the voice of Orleanna Price addressing
someone(later learned that it was Ruth May), reminiscing the past with a guilty conscience
“two blondes – the one short and fierce, the
other tall and imperious – flanked by matched brunettes like bookends”
Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May narrate the
story as it occurs
Brought to Africa by their Baptist father on a
mission to save “lost souls”
Carry with them many items which they feel will
be necessary; soon realize that they are truly useless burdens
Villagers welcome them warmly but soon become
wary of Nathan; the Africa scene is horrendous to Rachel
Adah born with hemiplegia; crooked, reserved,
and “slow” however she is exceptionally intelligent and observant (palindromes)
Leah devotion
to her father is apparent from the beginning; she strives to please him
Nathans unwillingness to adapt to their
traditions and forms of living is first seen with the garden incident
Orleanna’s hard work is constantly overlooked
and ignored by Nathan whom can only think in his endeavors
Despite hardships that the villagers face they
continue to work for their survival (physically disabled are not treated
differently); their bodies are their only tools
Nathan rules his family with intimidation, fear,
and punishment
Mama Tataba leaving foreshadows the impending
doom for the Price family
Book Two- The Revelation
Orleanna opens up each section retelling the
struggles of her past
The narrative of the five women serve to give us
the different perspectives and thoughts of each of them, we are able to learn
about each of them
Nathan refuses to adapt and change his opinions;
even the chief learns to dislike him
Ruth May is the first to interact with the
children, eager to lead
The conflicts currently occurring in the Congo
are beginning to be seen i.e. the anti- Belgian forces and the diamonds Ruth
May sees
The interference of the West brings many
conflicts, clandestine affairs
Nathan doesn’t see Lumumba as a threat, acts as
if he is a trifling problem
Anatole is seen as mysterious and educated;
holds the family in a trance (angers Nathan)
First hints that Nathan beats and abuses his family
(after incident with Anatole)
with Adah and the lion show how eager Tata Ndu is to see the gods punish the
Prices; also serves to emphasize the guilt that lives in the relationship btwn
Leah and Adah
Leah is baffled by the intelligence that both
Nelson and Anatole display, feels it won’t help them in them in their futures;
not allowed to pursue education
Hold on to their traditions headfast
(hopechests) Leah finds it useless
Owl also serves as foreshadowing, eats dead
souls of children; also serves as the point in the story where Leah distances
herself from Nathan
Underdown’s come with news of the independence
of Congo, advise the Prices to leave the country but of course Nathan is
Nathan does not really care about the souls he
wants to save nor about the safety of his family, he only cares about the “desire”
of his God
Adah notices that Tata Kuvundu is leaving dark
magic at their doorstep in hopes that they will leave
Leah witnesses Lumumba take power and is
captivated by his personality, begins to understand the turmoil the Congo has
been in
The death of Methuselah can symbolize the Congo’s
fate after “independence”
Book Three- The Judges
Orleanna felt as if she couldn’t leave Nathan
and bound herself to him when she was innocent; Nathan is trying to redeem his
past cowardice by carrying out what he believes is God’s will
Prices find themselves with scant money and
food; Orleanna and Ruth May are sick
Poor villagers provide the family with materials
to survive, shocks Leah (they feel it is their duty to share any excess they
may have, even if they are starving)
The girls are finally standing up to Nathans
Brother Fowles shows up to visit, extremely
opposite to Nathan; God is in the Creation, found in nature; assimilates to
African culture
Ruth May gets worse (malaria) ; Tata Ndu wants
to marry Rachel, gets engaged with Axelroot
The more time Leah spends with Anatole the more
he opens her eyes to reality and to love
He makes Leah think deeper and understand
subjects otherwise misinterpreted
We discover Axelroot is a mercenary, planning to
murder Lumumba
Ant crisis causes Orleanna to choose btwn Ruth
May and Adah; Adah feels worthless and alone
Book Four- Bel and the Serpent
We learn just how involved the US was in the problems
with Congo, basically in charge
The people of Kilanga choose they do not want
Jesus, they vote democratically
Leah causes more tumult when she wants to hunt
animals with the men, Tata Kuvundu warns the villagers that only bad will come
out of this, the villagers vote yes
Leah openly defies Nathan; evil signs are found
outside of Anatole and the Prices huts
The aftermath of the hunt is disastrous, warning
seems to come true
Evil sign found outside chicken coup, the girls
find out it was Tata Kuvundu; green mamba snake inside the coup kills Ruth May
Orleanna does not break down but knows that she must keep moving
in order to remain sane; Nathan only cared that she wasn’t baptized
Orleanna gets rid of ell her possessions, realizes
that they hold no worth anymore
After a long drought if finally begins to rain
and Nathan takes advantage of that to baptize all the children
Book Five- Exodus
The Price women finally leave Kilanga w/o
Nathan; Leah gets malaria in Bulungu and cannot go farther
Rachel leaves with Axelroot on his plane and
Orleanna and Adah leave by boat
Anatole takes care of Leah, love overtakes them
and Leah decides to stay
Rachel leads an happy life in Johannesburg in
white class society; Orleanna and Adah go back to Georgia
Orleanna devotes herself to gardening to keep
her mind off of Ruth May while Adah decides to go to medical school
Anatole gets arrested for his pro- Lumumba
activities and Leah has to wait in a French mission
Rachel goes from husband to husband; Anatole is
released and they move to Atlanta with their new son Pascal (find the luxuries
Adah discovers her limp is only out of habit and
makes a complete recovery, sometimes misses the old Adah
The value of worth is significant to Adah and
she cannot stop thinking about the incident with Orleanna
Mobutu serves as the puppet of the US and leads
to country into more poverty, Leah faces much turmoil with guilt
They try to move to the US but are not comfortable,
on the way back Anatole is arrested again
The differences btwn Rachel and Leah are
apparent, cannot agree on any subject
The death of Nathan is revealed to them; he went
in all his fiery glory (burned)
Leah and Anatole hope to move to Angola; the
nation continues to be in shambles
Book 6 and 7- Song of the Three Children and The Eyes in the
Rachel has created a life she can deal with in
Africa, one where she ignores everything that happens around her and focuses
only on herself
Believes that when you stand up yourself you get
crushed, you must let others work for you
Leah lives in Angola with Anatole and are
sufficiently happy there, although they often dream of the past Africa
Still yearns for a place to belong where the
color of her skin won’t matter
“… and I understand that time erases whiteness
Adah leaves medicine for she views death as
natural and viruses as having the right to share the world with us
The last chapter is told by Ruth May after death
Tells that every life is touched by one another,
some die so that some can live
Book ends with Ruth May’s forgiveness towards
her mother
“You are afraid you might forget, but you never
will. You will forgive and you will remember… Walk forward into the light.”
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