«La primera obligación de todo ser humano es ser feliz, la segunda es hacer feliz a los demás»

Sunday, September 21, 2014


What is phonar?
- photography narrative
- really about habits, establishing them
- thinking through doing

- photographers need passion
- are all camera bearers photographers?
- habits come to define us, we are slaves
- systems we have to abide by, someone else's solution
- systems don't want us to think for ourselves

- photographs= physical, ages, fixed in time, mono tonal color, bounded by edges of frame, etc.
- difference between photograph and image
- photograph is about experience rather than evidence
- most "photographers" keep photographs on media
- photographs are not necessarily rectangles/squares
- crop them to be able to ship them, to deliver
- mode of delivery (flawed) has shaped way we perceive mode of information
- we only understand new media in terms of old media
- "if you want to change the world, you have to start describing it differently"
- non-linear, decentralized media environment= both online and offline

- perspective makes one different
- transmedia: stories told of multiple platforms
- have to be a trusted source for people to listen to you
- challenge is to be heard, heard by those who are actually interested
- when you're trusted people will tell you their stories
- when you're connected you can build platforms, gives you ability to move beyond photography
- some images are to be believed, but questioned culturally
- how are others going to interpret images?
- photography has potential to change world
- collaborators, artisans, trusted sources, etc. we move to space were we are digitally fluent

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